Host an Event at the LMSC Level
An event sanctioned by USMS, Inc., through one of its Local Masters Swimming Committees (LMSC), must meet all of the following criteria:
1. Conduct of the event must be in strict compliance with applicable swimming rules and administrative regulations of USMS, Inc. A current copy or electronic rule book must be available at the event. The event director should order a hard copy of the rule book from USMS at least 1 month before the event if an electronic copy will not be available.
2. All competitors must hold current USMS registrations and must be 18 years of age or over. This is necessary for the safety and enjoyment of the swimmers, for liability insurance coverage to be in force and for official consideration of performances.
3. The referee shall be certified as a stroke and turn judge, starter or referee by USA Swimming, YMCA or any other USMS-approved certifying body. See article 103 of the USMS rule book for certification requirements.
4. Each LMSC is required to have a Sanctions Chair responsible for all phases of the process, including early scheduling to avoid conflicts and follow-up with the Top Ten Recorder to ensure meet results are submitted within two weeks of the event end.
5. If this event is a competition, results and required facility certifications must be submitted in proper format within 14 days of the event to the LMSC Top Ten recorder and sanctions chair (article 103.5 of the USMS rule book).
Complete a sanction request online and submit a $50.00 sanction fee to:
OMS Sanctions Chair
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Host a Zone Championship Meet
The Oklahoma Local Masters Swimming Committee is part of the USMS South Central Zone. In addition to the Oklahoma LMSC, Arkansas, Gulf, North Texas, and South Texas comprise the other LMSCs in the Zone. As part of our zone, there is a need for hosting of zone championships for both short course and long course meets. If your club is interested in hosting one of these meets, you must prepare a bid to be evaluated by the South Central Zone Officers. You can find the bid documents and instructions available for download on the USMS South Central Zone site.